Redemption History

Redemption Center

CD key / Redeem Code


Redemption History

CD Keys / Redeem CodesNameRedemption Time (UTC+0)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a CDKEY?
A CD key usually consists of more than 9 characters, incorporating both digits and letters, and can be used to redeem in-game items. A CD key can only be used once. A CD key is not a STEAM product code and needs to be redeemed on the official website or the in game redemption page.
What is a redeem code?
A redeem code is usually a string of English text issued by the official, which can be used to redeem in-game items. The same redeem code can only be used once per account.
How do I use a CDKEY or redeem code?
1. Open the redemption page through the ESC menu in the game lobby or on the official website.
2. Log in to your Steam account on the redemption page (if opened through the game, it will automatically log in). Please stay logged in until the redemption is complete.
3. Enter your CDKEY or redeem code in the input box and click on Confirm Redemption
4. Verify the account used to receive the items on the confirm redemption information screen, then click confirm.
5. After a successful redemption, please log into the game and collect all rewards through the mail.
Why might the CDKEY or redeem code I entered be incorrect?
Please check the content you have entered (pay attention to similar characters such as i and l, o and 0, 2 and Z). It is recommended to directly copy and paste the CDKEY or redeem code into the input box.
This webpage cannot redeem STEAM product codes. If you need to redeem the STEAM product code for this game, please go to the STEAM client to redeem it.
Why has the CDKEY or redeem code already been redeemed?
A CDKEY can only be used once, and we cannot provide any help for CDKEYs that have been redeemed. A redeem code can only be used once per account. If you believe you have not redeemed the redeem code but received this prompt, please contact customer service.
Why has the CDKEY or redeem code expired?
We cannot provide any help for expired CDKEYs or redeem codes. Please remember to confirm the validity period of the CDKEY or redeem code and redeem it in time.
I was told that I was successful in redeeming, but I did not receive the mail in the game.
Please confirm that your game account is the same as the account used for redemption. In addition, items arriving in your mail may be slightly delayed, please be patient. If you still have not received it after a long period, please contact customer service.

Confirm Redemption Information

Are you sure you want to redeem for the following account?


Redemption Successful

Redemption successful.
The item has been sent via mail. Please check your mailbox.